Bohdanovskyi Serhii



Lecturer at the Department of Applied Psychology                                             

 In 2022, he graduated from V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Faculty of Psychology.  He obtained a Master's Degree in the field of «053-Psychology».         

In 2023, he became a postgraduate student at the Department of Applied Psychology, working on his dissertation research.

He is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Neuropsychologists.

May – September 2023 – Psychologist in the International Project «Inclusive Access to Protective Learning for Conflict-Affected Girls, Boys, and Adolescents».

Teaching subjects: 

- Conflict Psychology

- Legal Psychology

- Psychology of Civil Population in Times of Martial Law (interdisciplinary subject)
Research interests:

Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology, Military Psychology, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
(240 hours) / professional development program in «Clinical Neuropsychology: Pediatric and Adult» in Kyiv, 2023.

Key publications:
1. Myloslavska O.V., Bohdanovskyi S.O.  Peculiarities of Self-regulation of Military personnel with different levels of Resilience. Science and Education, No. 1, 2023, pp. 51-57. (Category B)

2. Myloslavska O.V., Bohdanovskyi S.O. Resilience as a Component of a Military Serviceman’s mental endurance. Scientific Notes of V.G. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Series: Psychology, 2023, Vol. 34, No. C, pp. 197-202. DOI (Category B)

3. Myloslavska O.V., Huliaieva O.V., Bohdanovskyi S.O. Peculiarities of Interrelationships of Proactivity and Types of Orientations in Difficult Situations among Students. «Habitus», 2023, Issue 46, pp. 96-100. DOI 2023.46.14. (Category B)

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історія України або іноземна мова


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