Faculty history



The scientific foundation was laid in the 19th century, Professor I. Shadom, Master P. Lyubovskym, Professor P. Kovalyevskym, his successor M. TABLE and others.An important event in the prehistory department was forming in the early twentieth century Kharkov psychological school, scientific and socio-cultural values ​​which can not be overemphasized. And cultural-historical theory and of the general theory of thus became the property of the world of psychological science.In 20-ies in Kharkiv has a reputation of a famous research center, which developed different directions as the humanities and natural sciences. During this period, Kharkov was also the capital of Ukraine, which resulted in it opening new scientific and educational institutions, especially that in the nineteenth century, for this was laid a good base.In 1922 in Kharkiv was opened Ukrainian Research Institute of neuropsychiatric and is directed by renowned neurologist A.I.Heymanovych, and in 1926 at a psychiatric clinic - Ukrainian Institute of Clinical Psychiatry and Social psychohygiene (Director V.P.Protopopov).

In 1932 it was decided to consolidation of these institutions, and they united in one organization - the All-Ukrainian Academy of psychoneurological. It was a unique polyfunctional institution, which included sector and psychology. It consisted of departments of general and genetic psychology and clinical psychology. In this regard, there is a need to find and invite psychologists and specialists to work in these departments. From Moscow were invited O.R.Luriya, O.M.Leontyev, M.S.Lebedynskyy. Place the head of the sector proposed O.R.Luriya and head of the department of Genetic Psychology - O.M.Leontyevu. However O.R.Luriya soon returned to Moscow and head of the sector remained O.M.Leontyev. Together with him from Moscow to Kharkov and moved O.V.Zaporozhets L.I.Bozhovich. L.I.Bozhovich almost immediately moved to Poltava and always came to Kharkov to meet with the whole group. It was planned that move to Kharkov and L.S.Vyhotskyy, but it never happened. He only occasionally come to Kharkov and even in absentia studied at the Kharkov Medical Institute. In the department, who led O.M.Leontyev, worked P.Ya.Halperin, Kharkov neuropsychiatrist and psychologist, who believed that a group of L.S.Vyhotskoho great future.Another group of psychologists who joined them, went to graduate school Kharkov Pedagogical Institute and the Ukrainian Research Institute of Pedagogy - it included V.I.Asnin, PI Zinchenko, H.D.Lukov. All of them together constitute the core of the Kharkov school psychologists. (O.O.Leontyev believes that correct to speak about the school Vygotsky and the Kharkov group). Leaving aside the debatable question of the existence of a single school Vygotsky - Leonteva or two different schools (cultural and historical Vygotsky and Leontiev diyalnistnoyi), about which there are different points of view, it should be noted that, of course, the group of psychologists led by A. Leontiev, who worked in Odessa in the early 30's and 40's, had its own specifics, which united them. They had laid the theoretical and experimental foundations of the theory.In addition to these psychologists, in the 30 years in this group also included D.M.Aranovska, F.V.Bassin, E.V.Hordon, O.M.Kontseva, L.I.Kotlyarova, H.V.Mazurenko, V.V.Mistyuk, T.I.Titarenko, K.E.Homenko. As such, the Kharkiv group existed for 10 years. Although in 1934 O.M.Leontyev returned to Moscow, he constantly visited Kharkiv and conducted the group. P.Ya.Halperin, O.V.Zaporozhets, PI Zinchenko remained in Kharkov before WWII. After the war, no P.Ya.Halperin or O.V.Zaporozhets to Kharkov has not returned.However, in 1936, when the capital of Ukraine moved to Kyiv, a variety of psychological research, conducted at the Ukrainian Academy of psychoneurological began to coagulate, and resolution, 1936 pedolohichni distortions in the system of People's Commissariat, the process is completed.

So psychoneurological Academy ceased to be the main base of experimental investigations of the Kharkov school. However, they continued at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Education, Kharkov Pedagogical Institute, which headed the department of psychology and worked O.V.Zaporozhets V.I.Asnin, K.E.Homenko, H.D.Lukov and others., And Kharkov Institute of Foreign Languages, where he worked as PI Zinchenko.Resolution of pedology not stopped scientific activities of the Kharkiv group because they never keep pedolohichnyh position, considering psychology and pedology in two different sciences. However, their activity has stopped the war. PI Zinchenko and H.D.Lukov went to the front, A.V.Zaporozhets, P.Ya.Halperin O.M.Leontyev and worked in military hospitals (since 1943 together Kaurovtsi in Sverdlovsk) and carried out work on recovery of motor functions were affected after injury.After the war, areas of research of these researchers is somewhat divided, almost every one of them started their own problems and became the founder of a trend in psychology: O.M.Leontyev - theory of, O.V.Zaporozhets - the theory of perception, PI Zinchenko - theory of memory P.Ya.Halperin - the theory of formation of mental actions L.I.Bozhovich - theory of personality. However, all these lines have a common ground - a theory of activity developed jointly. As noted O.O.Leontyev, O.M.Leontyev was "without doubt the leader of the Kharkov group, but it created the concept of collective intelligence." Added to this, and one more thing: all of them, as if we are not assessed their views considered by the students themselves L.S.Vyhotskoho.In the postwar years in Kharkov continuing study of cognitive processes, first of all thinking and memory, in line diyalnistnoho approach. These studies were conducted, primarily the Department of Psychology Pedagogical Institute and the Department of Psychology University of Kharkov, which was opened in 1963 through the efforts of PI Zinchenko. He became the first head and founder of the school psychology and memory. All subsequent years, this problems is one of the leading followers of Kharkov psychological school students and PI Zinchenko. Thus, the concepts of memory have been established and S.P.Bocharovoyu GK Sereda, and now they find their further development in the works of their students.Since the mid 60's in Odessa at the University and Pedagogical Institute, began active development of principles and experimental studies of developmental education, another application of theoretical diyalnistnoho approach and its implementation in practice of schooling. These studies were carried out in line with the general program and D.B.Elkonina V.V.Davydova, followers L.S.Vyhotskoho and O.M.Leontyeva. In Kharkiv, the overall management of this work was carried out V.V.Ryepkinym. Further development of developmental education and its introduction into practice of mass schools continues now under the leadership of AK Dusavitsky.After several years the department of psychology at the biology department was opened branch of psychology, which in 1972 began to prepare professional psychologists. An outstanding role in the organization of the department is Professor GK Sereda, who was a disciple and successor of PI Zinchenko.Over 80 years of the 20th century at the Department of Psychology main direction of scientific research there was a problem of psychology of memory and learning, through the work of prominent specialists in the field of doctor of psychological sciences, professor GK Sereda that at this time headed the Department of Psychology .In the 80 years GK Sereda created a general theoretical model memory position system-activity approach. He owns the idea of ​​tiered approach to memory and its futurologist nature, such that related to the orientation memory for future results. For the first time in our psychology on the basis of this theory was solved mechanisms of nonspecific effects of memory. These works have been implemented in practice and organization of higher education.Professor. GK Sereda raised in theoretical terms the problem of "memory and identity", which was further developed in its research and experimental work of his followers.Along under the direction of Doctor of psychological sciences, professor AK Dusavitsky formed the second line of research in psychology developmental education, studying conditions, sources, patterns and mechanisms of mental development for human life. The practical implementation of the development of this direction was the establishment of procedures, programs and textbooks for schools in developing a system of education.In academic life of the department have been active students working in student scientific society department of psychology.Traditionally, the main focus of scientific research department of biological psychology faculty in 1991-2000 he remained a problem of psychology of memory.

This trend continued to develop research professor Sereda GK and his followers. Was carried out extensive amount of theoretical and applied research, particularly in the detection mechanisms mnemic of memory, learning and systemoheneza individual experience. Comprehensively studied the laws and collective historical memory of Professor AF Ivanovoy, memory, personality and communication system as assistant professor I.M.Melnyk, long-term memory and biographical professor Laktionov.In the context of developmental education psychology studied personality development in primary school, adolescence, youth and students under Prof. AK Dusavitsky. Fundamental studies of this field have found wide practical implementation in the construction of developmental education in Ukraine, Russia and other countries. Developed system of practical methods of formation and development of cognitive processes and creative activity of children lecturer Ye.V.Zayikoyu.During the independence of the Ukrainian state in the scientific department of psychology appeared new areas of theoretical and applied research. Yes, science is the branch of psychology developed in the field of personality development in health and disease: the gender approach and psychotherapy have been studied by Professor O.S.Kocharyanom, ethnopsychological problems of modern Ukrainian society studied Associate V.N.Pavlenko, structural and Dynamic organization of individual experience of Professor A. M. Laktionov, modern psychological problems of human rights professor O.F.Ivanovoy, psychological problems of social deviations Associate Professor N. Kreidun. Also conducted research in psychology of motivation cognitive processes, political psychology, environmental psychology, psychology of users of computers, psychology, business and others.Given the expansion of scientific and applied research in 1992 in the Department of Psychology opened a new department of applied and clinical psychology. And soon opened department of psychology.Department of Psychology at Kharkiv National University Karazin was established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 429 of September 5, 2000 a prominent role in the organization and opening of the Faculty is Professor Laktionov AM and Professor N. KreidunThe Department then joined the Department of Psychology (headed by prof. EF Ivanova), Applied Psychology (headed by prof. Laktionov) and pedagogy (head prof. L. Necheporenko). In 2006, the faculty chair of white open psychological counseling and psychotherapy.Since its foundation in 2008 by faculty was headed by Doctor of psychological sciences, professor, vice-president of the Association of Political Psychology of Ukraine (since 2001)., A member of the New York Academy of Sciences (1998.), A member of the Society of Psychologists of Ukraine (since 1995). Laktionov Alexander (1946 2008r.r.)Currently dean of the faculty is the candidate of psychological sciences, professor, member of the Society of Psychologists of Ukraine (since 1995)., A member of the Association of Political Psychology Kreidun Nadezhda Petrovna.




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61022 Kharkiv, Svobody sq., 6, ХV.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 438. Phone numbers: (0572) 707-50-23, 707-51-53, 707-51-70, 707-53-53. E-mail: psy-univer@ukr.net